For You

Today I feel much lighter than yesterday. Yesterday felt like my life is stay 5% only. But now seemed like happiness would soon came back. I was really upset with what happened to me. Perhaps this ordeal I have to pass so that I become more mature and certainly for the better.

My sacrifice worth it just for you. Until one morning I made ​​with feeling. But you actually destroyed. I really hate you. But today you finally take me to collect my teacher. Having lost my load right now present a number of sizable problems. I prayed that I wrote to get through everything well, without a new problem arises that is more difficult. Thank you I say to the people who always supported me and always there for me. Especially for that is in my heart. do you kecewain me,, please,,,,,

I could not do without you.

Love Love

Perjalananku hingga hari ini

Banyak hal yang aku lakukan. sekarang saja aku ngepost sambil membuat tugas sejarah yang diberikan oleh guruku. Tumben aku jam segini dirumah. Jujur gara-gara setiap hari selalu sibuk, hari ini aku bingung mau ngapain. Akhirnya aku putuskan untuk online sambil buat tugas. Itung-itung daripada diem lebih baik aku melakukan sesuatu. Aku merasa senang karena Tuhan menyayangi umatnya. Buktinya sampai kini aku bisa tabah menjalani hidup. Walau awalnya aku merasa sangat sulit dan bahkan mengatakan Tuhan tak adil aku kini sadar. Maafkan aku Tuhan, maafkan hambamu ini. Tuhan itu memang benar-benar adil. Tiada manusia yang diciptakan dengan sempurna. tiap manusia diciptakan dengan berbagai kelebihan dan kekurangan. Makanya kita sebagai makhluk sosial hendaknya saling membantu jangan hanya mementingkan diri sendiri.
Aku benar-benar sadar, Tuhan memberikan karunianya kepada umatnya. Aku sangat menyadari itu. Aku berjanji aku akan selalu semangat menjalani hidup hingga akhir hayatku.......

my love just for you

Aku selalu berusaha melakukan hal yang terbaik. hal yang benar-benar membuatku puas akan segala tindakan yang aku lakukan. Misalnya saja saat hatiku memilih kamu. awalnya aku hanya asal menerima dirimu namun lama-lama rasa ini benar-benar aku rasakan. Maafkan aku yang dulu yang hanya iseng menerima cintamu. Tapi tenang saja hari ini aku yakin cintamu padaku tulus dari dasar hatimu. Aku pun juga begitu. aku sepenuh hati hanya cinta padamu seorang. Tapi akhir-akhir ini banyak tugas yang membebani diriku hingga aku melupakanmu. Maafkan aku sayang. Aku kadang merasa jenuh sekali karena banyaknya tugas dan kamu marah-marah gara-gara smsmu tidak aku balas. Aku menyadari aku benar-benar salah. Tapi aku berharap kamu mengerti aku seperti aku mengertimu. Love you........


Direct and Indirect

1.   "She will bring a new book for the English lesson."
“What did he say?”
a       He said to me that she would bring a new book for the English lesson
b.      She said to me that she will bring a  new book for the English lesson
c.       She said to me that she could bring a  new book for the English lesson
d.      He said to me that she had brought a  new book for the English lesson
e.      He said to me that you would bring a  new book for the English lesson

2.      "You will get an E if you don't learn more."
“What did she say?”
a.      She said to me that you would get an E if you don’t learn more
b.      She said to me that I would get an E if I don’t learn more
c.       You said to me that you will get an E if you don’t learn more
d.      She said to me that we would get an E if we don’t learn more
e.      She said to me that she would get an E if she doesn’t learn more

3.   "The test is very easy."
      “What did they tell you?”
a.      They said to me that the test was very easy
b.      You told me that the test was very easy
c.       They tell me that the test was very easy
d.      They told me that the test is very easy
e.      They told me that the test was very easy
4.   “John is so lazy”
      “What did she say?”
a.      She said to me that John was so lazy
b.      John said to me that John is so lazy
c.       She said to me that John was being so lazy
d.      John said to me that she was so lazy
e.      John said to me that she was being so lazy
5.   "I will help you find the key for the puzzle."
      “What did he say?”
a.      He said to me that he would help him find the key for the puzzle
b.      He said to me that I would help him find the key for the puzzle
c.       You said to me that I would help you find the key for the puzzle
d.      He said to me that he will help me find the key for the puzzle
e.      He said to me that he would help me find the key for the puzzle
6.   "He has bought himself a skateboard and a hamburger."
      “What did she say?”
a.      She said that he has bought himself a skateboard and a hamburger
b.      She said that she has bought herself a skateboard and a hamburger
c.       She said that he had bought himself a skateboard and a hamburger
d.      She said that she had bought herself a skateboard and a hamburger
e.      She said that I had bought myself a skateboard and a hamburger
7.   "You must help me."
      “What did he say?”
a.      He said to me that you must help him
b.      You said to me that he had to help you
c.       He said to me that I must help him
d.      You said to me that he must help you
e.      He said to me that I had to help him
8.   "I love you so much."
      “What did she say?”
a.      She said to me that she loved him
b.      She said to me that she loved me
c.       She said to me that she loves him
d.      She said to me that she loves me
e.      She said to me that I loved her
9.   "My mother is cooking in the kitchen"
      “What did she say?”
a.      She said to me that my mother is cooking in the kitchen
b.      She said to me that her mother is cooking in the kitchen
c.       She said to me that her mother was cooking in the kitchen
d.      She said to me that my mother was cooking in the kitchen
e.      She said to me that your mother is cooking in the kitchen
10. "We went to Jenny’s birthday party last night,"
      “What did they say?”
a.    They said to me that they went to Jenny’s birthday party
b.    They said to me that I went to Jenny’s birthday party
c.    They said to me that we had gone to Jenny’s birthday party
d.    They said to me that they had gone to Jenny’s birthday party
e.    They said to me that you went to Jenny’s birthday party

1.      She said to me that he borrowed a book from the library
a.      “He borrow a book from the library”
b.      “He borrowed a book from the library”
c.       “He had borrowed  a book from the library”
d.      “He was borrowing a book from the library”
e.      “He is borrowing a book from the library”
2.      They told me that he was watching TV
a.                  “He was watching TV”
b.                  “He is watching TV”
c.                   “He had watched TV”
d.                  “They were watching TV”
e.                  “They are watching TV”
3.      She said to me that he would marry her friend
a.      “He will marry his friend”
b.      “He would marry his friend”
c.       “He had marry his friend”
d.      “He will marry my friend”
e.      “He would marry my friend”
4.      They said to me that she was sleeping
a.      “She was sleeping”
b.      “She sleeps”
c.       “She is sleeping”
d.      “She slept”
e.      “She wasn’t sleeping”
5.      He said to me that she had called her boyfriend
a.      “She was calling her boyfriend”
b.      “She call her boyfriend”
c.       “She called her boyfriend”
d.      “She is calling her boyfriend”
e.      “She calls her boyfriend”
6.      She said to me that she went to the cinema with her friend
a.      “She go to the cinema with my friend”
b.      “She go to the cinema with her friend”
c.       “She went to the cinema with her friend”
d.      “She went to the cinema with my friend”
e.      “She had gone to the cinema with her friend”
7.      Freddy said to me that his sister was studying Arabic
a.      “His sister was studying Arabic”
b.      “His sister is studying Arabic”
c.       “His sister studies Arabic”
d.      “His sister studied Arabic”
e.      “His sister had studied Arabic”
8.      Jonny said to me that he was very happy
a.      “He is very happy”
b.      “He was very happy”
c.       “He isn’t very happy”
d.      “He wasn’t very happy”
e.      “He happy”
9.      Lily said to me that she loved Jonny
a.      “She love Jonny”
b.      “She loves Jonny”
c.       “She is loving Jonny”
d.      “She was loving Jonny”
e.      “She loved Jonny”
10.  They said to me that her mother went to the market
a.      “Her mother go to the market”
b.      “Her mother went to the market”
c.       “Their mother went to the market”
d.      “Her mother is going to the market”
e.      “Her mother was going to the market”


Hari ini aku ketemu kamu disini disampingku. Sudah sekian lama tak ketemu kamu. tiap hari kamu hanya bisa marah padaku. tak ada toleransi yang kamu berikan padaku. Terlalu banyak beban yang aku pikul, kamu malah tak mau mengerti bakan memarahiku. kadang aku berharap kita putus saja. Karena itu keputusan yang terbaik yang bisa dilakukan. aku benar-benar tak habis pikir dengan sikapmu yang begini padaku. Jujur aku bingung, sudah banyak tugas yang diberikan oleh guru kamu malah marah dan marah padaku.
Aku harap kamu kembali seperti dulu :)

Hanya Berpikir Melewati Hari Ini dan Besok

Sejak aku lahir, aku belum pernah merasakan ini. Aku yang selalu semangat menjalani hidup kini mulai terpuruk. Aku tidak mengerti dimana kesalahan dan kekeliruan yang aku lakukan. Sejujurnya aku selalu berusaha menjadi yang terbaik namun ada saja halangan yang menghambat segala rencanaku.
Misalanya pagi ini, aku telah merencanakan untuk mendownload film yang aku suka namun gagal akibat aku mendadak disuruh ekstra. bener-bener membuat aku kesal dan ingin marah. tapi apa daya, aku tak mungkin melakukan itu. Mana mungkin aku menyia-nyiakan uangku setiap bulan 230rb dan aku bolos sekolah. Aku tak Mau!!!!!
Ada lagi yang lebih mengesalkan. Kemarin aku dan kelompokku sudah susah-susah buat tugas dari salah satu guru d sekolahku. Kemudian kami yang presentasi pertaama di kelas tadi pagi. awalnya berjalan lanjar namun setelah tiba di sesi pertanyaan barulah muncul berbagai benih emosi. ini mulanya berasal dari salah seorang temanku yang memberikan pertanyaan yang bersifat menguji. kelompokku sudah menjawab dan kurasa jawabannya juga sudah tepat karena kami tidak begitu mendalami pertanyaan itu. kami hanya disuruh mempresentasikan secara global. tapi, temanku itu malah memberi pertanyaan menguji. akhirnya aku menyuruhnya untuk menjelaskan kembali dan akhirnya ia pun agak gagap menjawabnya. pengen kesel marah tapi gmana men. pokoknya manusia tiada yang sempurna.